Welcome to De Bonte Drie
De Bonte Drie is located in the southeast of the province of Groningen, amidst a vast nature reserve, in the town of Mussel.
Miranda runt dit bedrijf dat zich kleinschalig bezig houdt met het fokken, opfokken en africhten van jonge Spaanse paarden. De PRE. Pura Raza Española. Oftewel Andalusiër, zoals de PRE vaak wordt genoemd.
Since a few years they have also been breeding KWPN stallions in combination with PRE mares.
In the context of blood distribution in dressage horse breeding, a pilot is being started to register offspring of KWPN-approved stallions from pure-bred Lusitano or PRE mares. The offspring of KWPN-approved stallions from pure-bred Lusitanos and PREs (Pura Raza Espanola) are registered in the register A of the KWPN. They also receive a Dutch passport. By breeding horses from the combination KWPN stallion x Lusitano / PRE mare, an attempt is made to utilize the strong qualities of these two breeds (Lusitano and PRE) for dressage horse breeding: both the Lusitano's and the PRE's are known for their natural aptitude for and their great talent for passage and piaffe. This text has been taken from the KWPN site. Read more...
Our horses







Renoire DBD
